
  • File name: bus.py

  • Last edited: 2020-06-14

  • Created by: Stefan Bruche (TU Berlin)

A Bus component collects and transfers a commodity. Bus components can also be used to model transmission lines between different sites.

class aristopy.bus.Bus(ensys, name, inlet, outlet, basic_variable='inlet_variable', has_existence_binary_var=False, time_series_data=None, scalar_params=None, additional_vars=None, user_expressions=None, capacity=None, capacity_min=None, capacity_max=None, capex_per_capacity=0, capex_if_exist=0, opex_per_capacity=0, opex_if_exist=0, opex_operation=0, losses=0)[source]

Initialize an instance of the Bus class.


See the documentation of the Component class for a description of all keyword arguments and inherited methods.


losses (float or int (0<=value<=1)) – Factor to specify the relative loss of the transported commodity between inlet and outlet per hour of operation (0 => no loss; 1 => 100% loss).
Default: 0

declare_component_constraints(ensys, model)[source]

Method to declare all component constraints.

The following constraint methods are inherited from the Component class and are not documented in this sub-class:

Method is not intended for public access!

  • ensys – Instance of the EnergySystem class

  • model – Pyomo ConcreteModel of the EnergySystem instance


The basic variable of a component is limited by its nominal capacity. This means, the operation (commodity at inlet or outlet) of a bus (MWh) is limited by its nominal power (MW) multiplied with the number of hours per time step. E.g.:
Q_IN[p, t] <= CAP * dt

Method is not intended for public access!


The quantity of the commodity at the outlet must equal the quantity at the inlet minus the the transmission loss share. A bus component cannot store a commodity (correction with “hours_per_time_step” not needed). E.g.:
Q_OUT[p, t] == Q_IN[p, t] * (1 - losses)

Method is not intended for public access!


This method collects all relevant input data and optimization results from the Component instance, and returns them in an ordered dictionary.

