Source code for aristopy.energySystem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ==============================================================================
#    E N E R G Y S Y S T E M
# ==============================================================================
* File name:
* Last edited: 2020-06-14
* Created by: Stefan Bruche (TU Berlin)

The EnergySystem class is aristopy's main model container. An instance of
the EnergySystem class holds the modeled components, the overall pyomo
model and the results of the optimization.
The EnergySystem class provides features to built and solve the
optimization problem, manipulate the associated component models, and
process the results of the optimization. The implemented class methods are:

* :meth:`cluster <aristopy.energySystem.EnergySystem.cluster>`:
  Perform clustering of the implemented time series data

* :meth:`declare_model <aristopy.energySystem.EnergySystem.declare_model>`:
  Declare the pyomo optimization model

* :meth:`optimize <aristopy.energySystem.EnergySystem.optimize>`:
  Call the main optimization routine

* :meth:`relax_integrality
  Relax the integrality of binary variables

* :meth:`edit_component_variables
  Edit properties of component variables, e.g., change bounds or domains

* :meth:`reset_component_variables
  Reset component variables after applying changes, e.g., relaxation

* :meth:`export_component_configuration
  Export and import configurations, i.e. component existences and capacities

* :meth:`add_design_integer_cut_constraint
  Create integer-cut-constraints to exclude the current design solution
  from the solution space and enforce a new design in subsequent model runs

* :meth:`add_variable <aristopy.energySystem.EnergySystem.add_variable>`,
  :meth:`add_constraint <aristopy.energySystem.EnergySystem.add_constraint>`,
  Add variables, constraints and objective function contributions directly
  to the main pyomo model, outside of the component declaration
import os
import time
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

import pandas as pd
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import as network
import pyomo.opt as opt
from tsam.timeseriesaggregation import TimeSeriesAggregation

from aristopy import utils, logger

[docs]class EnergySystem: def __init__(self, number_of_time_steps=8760, hours_per_time_step=1, interest_rate=0.05, economic_lifetime=20, logging=None): """ Initialize an instance of the EnergySystem class. :param number_of_time_steps: Number of considered time steps for modeling the dispatch problem. With "hours_per_time_step" the share of the modeled year can be calculated. In this way, the cost of each time step is scaled and included in the objective function. |br| *Default: 8760* :type number_of_time_steps: int (>0) :param hours_per_time_step: Number of hours per modeled time step. |br| *Default: 1* :type hours_per_time_step: int (>0) :param interest_rate: Value to calculate the present value factor of a cost rate that occurs in the future. |br| *Default: 0.05 (corresponds to 5%)* :type interest_rate: float, int (>=0) :param economic_lifetime: Years to consider for calculating the net present value of an investment with annual incoming and outgoing cash flows. |br| *Default: 20* :type economic_lifetime: int (>0) :param logging: Specify the behavior of the logging by setting an own Logger class instance. User can decide where to log (file/console) and what to log (see description of aristopy "Logger"). |br| *Default: None (display minimal logging in the console)* :type logging: None or instance of aristopy's "Logger" class """ # Check user input: utils.check_energy_system_input( number_of_time_steps, hours_per_time_step, interest_rate, economic_lifetime, logging) # ********************************************************************** # Logging # ********************************************************************** # If no logger instance is passed to the "logging" keyword a default # logger is initialized. This will only display errors on the console. # Otherwise the passed logger instance is used and a logger for the # instance of the energy system class is initialized on "self.log" if logging is None: self.logger = logger.Logger(default_log_handler='stream', default_log_level='ERROR') else: self.logger = logging self.log = self.logger.get_logger(self) # ********************************************************************** # Time and clustering # ********************************************************************** self.number_of_time_steps = number_of_time_steps self.hours_per_time_step = hours_per_time_step self.number_of_years = number_of_time_steps * hours_per_time_step/8760.0 # Initialization: Overwritten if 'cluster' function is called self.periods = [0] self.periods_order = [0] self.period_occurrences = [1] self.number_of_time_steps_per_period = number_of_time_steps self.inter_period_time_steps = [] # Flag 'is_data_clustered' indicates if the function 'cluster' has been # called before. The flag is reset to False if new components are added. self.is_data_clustered = False # 'typical_periods' is altered by function 'cluster' to an array ranging # from 0 to number_of_typical_periods-1. self.typical_periods = [0] # Stores the instance of the time series aggregation (if performed) self.tsa_instance = None # ********************************************************************** # Economics # ********************************************************************** # The economic criterion net present value represents the objective # function value to be maximized. Hence, a present value factor (pvf) is # required to calculate the present value of an annuity. The global # parameters interest rate and economic lifetime of the energy system # investment are used to this end. self.pvf = sum(1 / (1 + interest_rate)**n for n in range(1, economic_lifetime+1)) # ********************************************************************** # Optimization # ********************************************************************** # The parameter 'model' holds the pyomo ConcreteModel instance with # sets, parameters, variables, constraints and the objective function. # It is None during initialization and changed when the functions # 'optimize', or 'declare_model' are called. # Before the model instance is optimized, a solver instance is assigned # to the "solver" attribute. It also stores basic results of the run. # The "is_model_declared" flag indicates if the model instance is # already declared. # The "is_persistent_model_declared" flag states if the model has been # declared and assigned to a persistent solver instance. self.model = None self.run_info = {'solver_name': '', 'time_limit': None, 'optimization_specs': '', 'model_build_time': 0, 'model_solve_time': 0, 'upper_bound': 0, 'lower_bound': 0, 'sense': '', 'solver_status': '', 'termination_condition': ''} self.solver = None self.is_model_declared = False self.is_persistent_model_declared = False # ********************************************************************** # Components # ********************************************************************** # 'components' is a dictionary {component name: component object itself} # in which all components of the EnergySystem instance are stored. # The pyomo block model object (stored variables and constraints) of a # component instance can be accessed via its "block" attribute. self.components = {} # The 'component_connections' is a dict that stores the connections of # the component instances of the energy system model. It is formed from # the specified inlets and outlets and the connecting commodity: # {arc_name: [source instance, destination instance, commodity_name]} self.component_connections = {} # 'component_configuration' is a pandas Dataframe to store basic # information about the availability and capacity of the modelled # components. It is used to export / import the configuration results. self.component_configuration = pd.DataFrame( index=[utils.BI_EX, utils.BI_MODULE_EX, utils.CAP]) # DataFrames and dictionaries to store additionally added pyomo objects # (variables and constraints) and objective function contributions. self.added_constraints = pd.DataFrame(index=['has_time_set', 'alternative_set', 'rule']) self.added_variables = pd.DataFrame(index=['domain', 'has_time_set', 'alternative_set', 'init', 'ub', 'lb', 'pyomo']) self.added_objective_function_contributions = {} self.added_obj_contributions_results = {}'Initializing EnergySystem completed!') def __repr__(self): # Define class format for printing and logging return '<EnSys: "id=%s..%s">' % (hex(id(self))[:3], hex(id(self))[-3:])
[docs] def add_variable(self, var): """ Function to manually add pyomo variables to the main pyomo model (ConcreteModel: model) of the energy system instance via instances of aristopy's Var class. The attributes of the variables are stored in DataFrame "added_variables" and later initialized during the call of function 'optimize', or 'declare_model'. :param var: Instances of aristopy's Var class (single or in list) """'Call of function "add_variable"') # Check the correctness of the user input var_list = utils.check_add_vars_input(var) for v in var_list: # Wrap everything up in a pandas Series series = pd.Series({'has_time_set': v.has_time_set, 'alternative_set': v.alternative_set, 'domain': v.domain, 'init': v.init, 'ub': v.ub, 'lb':, 'pyomo': None}) # Add the Series with new name to DataFrame "added_variables" self.added_variables[] = series
[docs] def add_constraint(self, rule, name=None, has_time_set=True, alternative_set=None): """ Function to manually add constraints to the main pyomo model after the instance has been created. The attributes are stored in the DataFrame 'added_constraints' and later initialized during the call of function 'optimize', or 'declare_model'. :param rule: A Python function that specifies the constraint with a equality or inequality expression. The rule must hold at least two arguments: First the energy system instance it is added to (in most cases: self), second the ConcreteModel of the instance (model). Additional arguments represent sets (e.g., time). :type rule: function :param name: Name (identifier) of the added constraint. The rule name is used if no name is specified. |br| *Default: None* :type name: str :param has_time_set: Is True if the time set of the energy system model is also a set of the added constraint. |br| *Default: True* :type has_time_set: bool :param alternative_set: Alternative constraint sets can be added here via iterable Python objects (e.g. list). |br| *Default: None* """'Call of function "add_constraint"') # Check the correctness of the user input utils.check_add_constraint(rule, name, has_time_set, alternative_set) # The rule name is used as constraint identifier if no name is given if name is None: name = rule.__name__ # Put everything together in a pandas Series series = pd.Series({'has_time_set': has_time_set, 'alternative_set': alternative_set, 'rule': rule}) # Add the Series to the DataFrame "added_constraints" self.added_constraints[name] = series
[docs] def add_objective_function_contribution(self, rule, name=None): """ Additional objective function contributions can be added with this method. The method requires a Python function input that takes the main pyomo model (ConcreteModel: model) and returns a single (scalar) value. :param rule: A Python function returning a scalar value which is added to the objective function of the model instance. The rule must hold exactly two arguments: The energy system instance it is added to (in most cases: self), second the ConcreteModel of the instance (model). :type rule: function :param name: Name (identifier) of the added objective function contribution. The rule name is used if no name is specified. |br| *Default: None* :type name: str """'Call of function "add_objective_function_contribution"') # Check the input: assert isinstance(name, (str, type(None))), '"name" should be a string!' if not callable(rule): raise TypeError('The "rule" needs to hold a callable object!') if name is None: name = rule.__name__ # Add the rule and the name to a dictionary of the EnergySystem instance self.added_objective_function_contributions[name] = rule
[docs] def cluster(self, number_of_typical_periods=4, number_of_time_steps_per_period=24, cluster_method='hierarchical', **kwargs): """ Method for the aggregation and clustering of time series data. First, the time series data and their respective weights are collected from all components and split into pieces with equal length of 'number_of_time_steps_per_period'. Subsequently, a clustering method is called and each period is assigned to one of 'number_of_typical_periods' typical periods. The clustered data is later stored in the components. The package `tsam <>`_ (time series aggregation module) is used to perform the clustering. The clustering algorithm can be controlled by adding required keyword arguments (using 'kwargs' parameter). To learn more about tsam and possible keyword arguments see the package `documentation <>`_. :param number_of_typical_periods: Number of typical periods to be clustered. |br| *Default: 4* :type number_of_typical_periods: int (>0) :param number_of_time_steps_per_period: Number of time steps per period |br| *Default: 24* :type number_of_time_steps_per_period: int (>0) :param cluster_method: Name of the applied clustering method (e.g., 'k_means'). See the tsam documentation for all possible options. |br| *Default: 'hierarchical'* :type cluster_method: str """ # Check input arguments utils.check_cluster_input(number_of_typical_periods, number_of_time_steps_per_period, self.number_of_time_steps) time_start = time.time()'Start clustering with %s typical periods and %s time ' 'steps per period.' % (number_of_typical_periods, number_of_time_steps_per_period)) # Get time series data and their respective weights from all components # and collect them in two dictionaries time_series_data, time_series_weights = {}, {} for comp in self.components.values(): if comp.number_in_group == 1: # Add only once per group data, weights = comp.get_time_series_data_for_aggregation() time_series_data.update(data) time_series_weights.update(weights) # Convert data dictionary to pandas DataFrame time_series_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(time_series_data) # Specific index is not relevant, but tsam requires a uniform index time_series_data.index = \ pd.date_range('2050-01-01 00:30:00', periods=self.number_of_time_steps, freq=(str(self.hours_per_time_step) + 'H'), tz='Europe/Berlin') # Reindex axis for reproducibility of TimeSeriesAggregation results time_series_data = time_series_data.reindex( sorted(time_series_data.columns), axis=1) # Set up instance of tsam's TimeSeriesAggregation class and cluster data self.tsa_instance = TimeSeriesAggregation( timeSeries=time_series_data, noTypicalPeriods=number_of_typical_periods, hoursPerPeriod= number_of_time_steps_per_period * self.hours_per_time_step, clusterMethod=cluster_method, weightDict=time_series_weights, **kwargs) # Store clustered time series data in the components data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.tsa_instance.clusterPeriodDict) for comp in self.components.values(): comp.set_aggregated_time_series_data(data) self.typical_periods = self.tsa_instance.clusterPeriodIdx self.number_of_time_steps_per_period = number_of_time_steps_per_period self.periods = list(range(int( self.number_of_time_steps / number_of_time_steps_per_period))) self.inter_period_time_steps = list(range(int( self.number_of_time_steps / number_of_time_steps_per_period) + 1)) self.periods_order = self.tsa_instance.clusterOrder self.period_occurrences = [ (self.periods_order == tp).sum() for tp in self.typical_periods] # Set cluster flag to True self.is_data_clustered = True" Time required for clustering: %.2f sec" % (time.time() - time_start)) # Debugging: self.log.debug('typical_periods: %s' % self.typical_periods) self.log.debug('periods: %s' % self.periods) self.log.debug('inter_period_time_steps: %s' % self.inter_period_time_steps) self.log.debug('periods_order: %s' % self.periods_order) self.log.debug('period_occurrences: %s' % self.period_occurrences)
[docs] def declare_time_sets(self, model, use_clustered_data): """ Initialize time parameters and four different time sets. The "time_set" represents the general set. The index holds tuples of periods and time steps inside of these periods. In case the optimization is performed without time series aggregation, the set runs from [(0,0), (0,1),, (0,number_of_time_steps-1)]. Otherwise: [(0,0), ..., (0,number_of_time_steps_per_period-1), (1,0), ..., (number_of_typical_periods-1, number_of_time_steps_per_period-1)]. |br| The set "intra_period_time_set" holds tuples of periods and points in time before, after or between regular time steps inside of a period. Hence, the second value runs from 0 to "number_of_time_steps" (without aggregation) or "number_of_time_steps_per_period" respectively. |br| The third set "inter_period_time_set" is one-dimensional and ranges from 0 to the overall number of periods plus 1 (1 + number_of_time_steps / number_of_time_steps_per_period). It is empty if no aggregation is used. |br| The "typical_periods_set" is a set ranging from 0 to the number of typical periods. If no aggregation is used it only holds 0. |br| E.g.: Case with 2 periods and 3 time steps per period |br| 1) ______(0,0)___(0,1)___(0,2)___________(1,0)___(1,1)___(1,2)_____ |br| 2) __(0,0)___(0,1)___(0,2)___(0,3)___(1,0)___(1,1)___(1,2)___(1,3)_ |br| 3) 0___________________________ 1 __________________________2 |br| 4) ______________ 0 ___________________________ 1 _____________ |br| 1) time_set, 2) intra_period_time_steps_set, 3) inter_period_time_steps_set, 4) typical_periods_set |br| :param model: Pyomo model instance holding sets, variables, constraints and the objective function. :type model: pyomo ConcreteModel :param use_clustered_data: Declare optimization model with original (full scale) time series (=> False) or clustered data (=> True). :type use_clustered_data: bool """' Declare time sets') # Set the time series data for all modelled components for comp in self.components.values(): comp.set_time_series_data(use_clustered_data) # Reset time-relevant attributes and initialize sets if full scale # problem is considered. if not use_clustered_data: self.periods = [0] self.periods_order = [0] self.period_occurrences = [1] self.number_of_time_steps_per_period = self.number_of_time_steps self.inter_period_time_steps = [] self.typical_periods = [0] # Define sets: Only period "0" exists def init_time_set(m): return ((0, t) for t in range(self.number_of_time_steps)) def init_intra_period_time_set(m): return ((0, t) for t in range(self.number_of_time_steps + 1)) else:' Aggregated time series data detected (number of ' 'typical periods: %s, number of time steps per ' 'period: %s' % (len(self.typical_periods), self.number_of_time_steps_per_period)) # Define sets def init_time_set(m): return ((p, t) for p in self.typical_periods for t in range(self.number_of_time_steps_per_period)) def init_intra_period_time_set(m): return ((p, t) for p in self.typical_periods for t in range(self.number_of_time_steps_per_period+1)) # Initialize the four time sets: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # E.g.: Case with 2 periods and 3 time steps per period # 1) ______(0,0)___(0,1)___(0,2)___________(1,0)___(1,1)___(1,2)______ # 2) __(0,0)___(0,1)___(0,2)___(0,3)___(1,0)___(1,1)___(1,2)___(1,3)__ # 3) 0_______________________________1_______________________________2 # 4) ________________0_______________________________1________________ # 1) time_set, 2) intra_period_time_steps_set, # 3) inter_period_time_steps_set, 4) typical_periods_set model.time_set = pyo.Set( dimen=2, initialize=init_time_set, ordered=True) model.intra_period_time_set = pyo.Set( dimen=2, initialize=init_intra_period_time_set, ordered=True) model.inter_period_time_set = pyo.Set( initialize=self.inter_period_time_steps, ordered=True) model.typical_periods_set = pyo.Set( initialize=self.typical_periods, ordered=True) # Add a set only valid for the variables "SOC_MIN" and "SOC_MAX" in the # storage class. They are created if "use_inter_period_formulation=True" # and "precise_inter_period_modeling=False" but only needed if clustered # data is used (use same set as "typical_periods_set"). Else: Leave set # emtpy. Reason: Some solvers require more time with unused variables. if not use_clustered_data: model.soc_min_max_set = pyo.Set(initialize=[]) else: model.soc_min_max_set = pyo.Set( initialize=self.typical_periods, ordered=True)
[docs] def declare_objective(self, model): """ Method to declare the objective function of the optimization problem. The objective function contributions (CAPEX and OPEX) are calculated in the components itself, and collected and summarized by the 'declare_objective' function of the EnergySystem instance. The objective function of the optimization is the maximization of the net present value. :param model: Pyomo model instance holding sets, variables, constraints and the objective function. :type model: pyomo ConcreteModel """' Declare objective function') def summarize_extra_objective_function_contributions(): for key, val in self.added_objective_function_contributions.items(): obj_rule = getattr(self, key) # get the function obj_value = obj_rule(self.model) # get returned value # Add the values to the results dict (used to export results) self.added_obj_contributions_results[key] = obj_value return sum(self.added_obj_contributions_results.values()) def objective(m): NPV = sum(comp.get_objective_function_contribution(self, model) for comp in self.components.values()) \ + summarize_extra_objective_function_contributions() return NPV model.Obj = pyo.Objective(rule=objective, sense=pyo.maximize)
[docs] def declare_model(self, use_clustered_data=False, declare_persistent=False, persistent_solver='gurobi_persistent'): """ Declare the pyomo optimization model of the EnergySystem instance. First, all component connections are established by using their input and output specifications and the plausibility of connections is validated. Then, the ConcreteModel instance is created and time sets, component model blocks, variables, ports, constraints, arcs, and the objective function are added. :param use_clustered_data: Declare optimization model with original (full scale) time series (=> False) or clustered data (=> True). |br| *Default: False* :type use_clustered_data: bool :param declare_persistent: States if a persistent model instance should be formed. In this case, after model declaration a persistent solver instance is created and the declared model instance is assigned. |br| *Default: False* :type declare_persistent: bool :param persistent_solver: Name of the persistent solver to be used. Possible options are "gurobi_persistent" and "cplex_persistent". Is ignored if keyword "declare_persistent" is False. |br| *Default: 'gurobi_persistent'* :type persistent_solver: str """'Declare optimization model with ' 'use_clustered_data=%s and declare_persistent=%s' % (use_clustered_data, declare_persistent)) time_start = time.time() # Check inputs: persistent_solver = persistent_solver.lower() utils.check_declare_model_input( use_clustered_data, self.is_data_clustered, declare_persistent, persistent_solver) # Initialize flags of model status self.is_model_declared = False self.is_persistent_model_declared = False # Reset time series aggregation instance for model w/o clustered data if not use_clustered_data: self.tsa_instance = None # ###################################################################### # C O M P O N E N T C O N N E C T I O N S # ###################################################################### # Helper functions: # ----------------- def component_not_found(c_name): return('\nThe component "{}" or its instances cannot be found in ' 'the EnergySystem model.\nThe components considered are: {}' '\n Please check the names of your components and inlet and ' 'outlet specs!'.format(c_name, list(self.components))) def set_connection(source, destination, commodity): """ Add connections (arcs) to the "component_connections" dict. Update the "var_connections" dictionaries in the components: {'variable name': 'connected arc name'} "var_connections" is used for plotting purposes. """ # Add a new connection to "component_connections" if not available arc_name = 'arc-{}-{}-{}'.format(,, commodity) if arc_name not in self.component_connections: self.component_connections[arc_name] = [ source, destination, commodity] # Get the commodity variables from comp. and raise if not available if source.outlet_commod_and_var_names.get(commodity) is None: raise ValueError('Commodity "%s" not found at outlet of "%s"' % (commodity, source_var = source.outlet_commod_and_var_names[commodity] if destination.inlet_commod_and_var_names.get(commodity) is None: raise ValueError('Commodity "%s" not found at inlet of "%s"' % (commodity, destination_var = destination.inlet_commod_and_var_names[commodity] # Update dictionary "var_connections" in the source component if source.var_connections.get(source_var) is None: source.var_connections[source_var] = [arc_name] else: arc_names = source.var_connections[source_var] if arc_name not in arc_names: arc_names.append(arc_name) source.var_connections[source_var] = arc_names # Update dictionary "var_connections" in the destination component if destination.var_connections.get(destination_var) is None: destination.var_connections[destination_var] = [arc_name] else: arc_names = destination.var_connections[destination_var] if arc_name not in arc_names: arc_names.append(arc_name) destination.var_connections[destination_var] = arc_names # ********************************************************************** # Establish component connections from "inlet" and "outlet" # ********************************************************************** for comp_name, comp in self.components.items(): # Loop over inlets ... for flow in comp.inlet: if is not None: # loop again over all components: found_src = False for c_src in self.components.values(): if c_src.group_name == found_src = True # found source set_connection(c_src, comp, flow.commodity) if not found_src: raise ValueError(component_not_found( # Loop over outlets ... for flow in comp.outlet: if is not None: # loop again over all components: found_dest = False for c_dest in self.components.values(): if c_dest.group_name == found_dest = True # found destination set_connection(comp, c_dest, flow.commodity) if not found_dest: raise ValueError(component_not_found( # ********************************************************************** # Check connections # ********************************************************************** for name, comp in self.components.items(): # Check that non-conversion comp. have only one commodity at ports! if comp.__class__.__name__ != 'Conversion' and \ len(comp.commodities) > 1: raise ValueError('Commodity error in "%s". Found more than one ' 'commodity: "%s"' % (name, comp.commodities)) # Check that number of inlets and outlets is correct: nbr_of_inlets = len(comp.inlet_commod_and_var_names) nbr_of_outlets = len(comp.outlet_commod_and_var_names) # Conversion component have at least one inlet and one outlet if comp.__class__.__name__ == 'Conversion' \ and (nbr_of_inlets < 1 or nbr_of_outlets < 1): raise ValueError('"%s" needs at least one inlet and one outlet!' % name) # Source, Storage, Bus components need exactly one outlet if comp.__class__.__name__ in ['Source', 'Storage', 'Bus'] and \ nbr_of_outlets != 1: raise ValueError('"%s" needs one outlet, but "%s" were found!' % (name, nbr_of_outlets)) # Sink, Storage, Bus components need exactly one inlet if comp.__class__.__name__ in ['Sink', 'Storage', 'Bus'] and \ nbr_of_inlets != 1: raise ValueError('"%s" needs one inlet, but "%s" were found!' % (name, nbr_of_inlets)) # Sinks don't have outlets if comp.__class__.__name__ == 'Sink' and nbr_of_outlets != 0: raise ValueError('Sink "%s" cannot have outlets!' % name) # Sources don't have inlets if comp.__class__.__name__ == 'Source' and nbr_of_inlets != 0: raise ValueError('Source "%s" cannot have inlets!' % name) # Raise if component has inlet or outlet commodity without # connection to an arc for commod, var in comp.inlet_commod_and_var_names.items(): if comp.var_connections.get(var) is None: raise ValueError('Inlet commodity "%s" of component "%s" is' ' unconnected!' % (commod, for commod, var in comp.outlet_commod_and_var_names.items(): if comp.var_connections.get(var) is None: raise ValueError('Outlet commodity "%s" of component "%s" ' 'is unconnected!' % (commod, # ********************************************************************** # Check basic variable # ********************************************************************** # Usually basic variables are referring to inlet or outlet commodities # which are time-related. Scalar variables can also be selected under # certain circumstances. Check permissibility of parameter combinations: for name, comp in self.components.items(): # Fine, if basic variable has a time set (--> go to next comp.) if comp.variables[comp.basic_variable]['has_time_set']: continue # Conversion w/o 'opex_operation' and w/o binary operation var.: OK elif comp.__class__.__name__ == 'Conversion' and \ comp.opex_operation == 0 and not comp.has_bi_op: continue # Sink or Source components w/o 'opex_operation', w/o binary # operation var. and w/o commodity_rates, _cost or _rev. are also OK elif comp.__class__.__name__ in ['Sink', 'Source'] and \ comp.opex_operation == 0 and not comp.has_bi_op and \ comp.op_rate_min is None and comp.op_rate_max is None and \ comp.op_rate_fix is None and comp.commodity_cost == 0 and \ comp.commodity_cost_time_series is None and \ comp.commodity_revenues == 0 and \ comp.commodity_revenues_time_series is None: continue else: raise Exception( 'The basic variable of component "%s" works without a time ' 'set. This functionality is only allowed for Sink, Source ' 'and Conversion components w/o binary operation variables, ' 'opex_operation, commodity_rates, _cost, and _revs!' % name) # ********************************************************************** # Add user expressions # ********************************************************************** # Fill the "user_expressions_dict" with data from comp. initialization # (old data / variables are overwritten in 'comp.user_expressions_dict') for comp in self.components.values(): for expr in comp.user_expressions: # Create a name for the expression by removing all spaces expr_name = expr.replace(' ', '') # Disassemble expr into its parts -> e.g. ['Q', '>=', '100'] expr_pieces = utils.disassemble_user_expression(expr) # Append name and list of pieces to the 'user_expressions_dict' comp.user_expressions_dict[expr_name] = expr_pieces # ###################################################################### # P Y O M O M O D E L # ###################################################################### # Create a pyomo ConcreteModel instance to store the sets, variables, # constraints, objective function, etc. self.model = pyo.ConcreteModel() # Duals are stored with the name 'dual' in the model instance (might be # interesting for analyzing optimization results of linear models). self.model.dual = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.IMPORT) # ********************************************************************** # Declare time sets # ********************************************************************** self.declare_time_sets(self.model, use_clustered_data) # ********************************************************************** # Declare component blocks, variables, ports and constraints # ********************************************************************** for comp in self.components.values(): comp.declare_component_model_block(model=self.model) comp.declare_component_variables(model=self.model) comp.declare_component_ports() comp.declare_component_user_constraints(model=self.model) comp.declare_component_constraints(ensys=self, model=self.model) # ********************************************************************** # Declare arcs # ********************************************************************** for arc_name, connection in self.component_connections.items(): # Get the connected component class instances and the commodity name src, dest, commod = connection[0], connection[1], connection[2] # Get the ports in the component model blocks for each variable outlet = getattr(src.block, 'outlet_' + commod) inlet = getattr(dest.block, 'inlet_' + commod) # Create an arc to connect two ports setattr(self.model, arc_name, network.Arc(src=outlet, dest=inlet)) # Call model transformation factory: Expand the arcs pyo.TransformationFactory("network.expand_arcs").apply_to(self.model) # Starting from version 5.6.9 the variable domains (and bounds) for # newly created variables on Arcs are not inherited anymore. The default # is 'Reals' and we need to overwrite this to 'NonNegativeReals'. # for arc_name, connection in self.component_connections.items(): # Get the commodity variable from the expanded Block and set domain. arc_block = getattr(self.model, arc_name + '_expanded') # There is only a new commodity variable on the arc if the variables # are split (not for direct connection of single outlet and inlet). if hasattr(arc_block, connection[2]): arc_var = getattr(arc_block, connection[2]) arc_var.domain = pyo.NonNegativeReals # Workaround for Pyomo-Versions before 5.6.9: # Get all constraints that end with '_split' and deactivate them # --> Workaround for Port.Extensive function with indexed variables # See:!topic/pyomo-forum/LaoKMhyu9pA # for c in model.component_objects(pyomo.Constraint, active=True): # if'_split'): # c.deactivate() # ********************************************************************** # Declare additional pyomo objects, added by: # * add_variable # * add_constraint # * add_objective_function_contribution # ********************************************************************** # Additional variables: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for var_name in self.added_variables: # Get the pandas series from DataFrame and the variable specs var_dict = self.added_variables[var_name] domain = getattr(pyo, var_dict['domain']) bounds = (var_dict['lb'], var_dict['ub']) init = var_dict['init'] # Differentiation between variables with and without time_set if var_dict['has_time_set']: setattr(self.model, var_name, pyo.Var( self.model.time_set, domain=domain, bounds=bounds, initialize=init)) elif var_dict['alternative_set'] is not None: setattr(self.model, var_name, pyo.Var( var_dict['alternative_set'], domain=domain, bounds=bounds, initialize=init)) else: setattr(self.model, var_name, pyo.Var( domain=domain, bounds=bounds, initialize=init)) # Store variable in self.added_variables[var_name]['pyomo'] pyomo_var = getattr(self.model, var_name) self.added_variables[var_name]['pyomo'] = pyomo_var # Additional constraints: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for con_name in self.added_constraints: con_dict = self.added_constraints[con_name] rule = con_dict['rule'] # setattr(self, con_name, rule.__get__(self)) con = getattr(self, con_name) # Differentiation between variables with and without time_set if con_dict['has_time_set']: setattr(self.model, con_name, pyo.Constraint( self.model.time_set, rule=con)) elif con_dict['alternative_set'] is not None: setattr(self.model, con_name, pyo.Constraint( con_dict['alternative_set'], rule=con)) else: setattr(self.model, con_name, pyo.Constraint(rule=con)) # Additional objective function contributions: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for name, rule in self.added_objective_function_contributions.items(): setattr(self, name, rule.__get__(self)) # ********************************************************************** # Declare empty constraint list for design integer cuts # ********************************************************************** # Attribute "integer_cut_constraints" in the ConcreteModel is # initialized as an empty pyomo ConstraintList while declaring the # optimization problem. Integer cut constraints can be added with # function "add_design_integer_cut_constraint". self.model.integer_cut_constraints = pyo.ConstraintList() # ********************************************************************** # Declare objective function # ********************************************************************** self.declare_objective(self.model) # ********************************************************************** # Built persistent model instance (if "declare_persistent" is True) # ********************************************************************** if declare_persistent: # Store persistent solver name self.run_info['solver_name'] = persistent_solver # Call the persistent solver and assign the solver to "self.solver" time_persistent_start = time.time() self.solver = opt.SolverFactory(persistent_solver) # Create a "gurobipy" model object and add the model to the solver self.solver.set_instance(self.model) # Set the flag 'is_persistent_model_declared' to True self.is_persistent_model_declared = True' Time to set instance to persistent solver: %.2f' % (time.time() - time_persistent_start)) # ********************************************************************** # Set flag indicating the declaration status of the model to be True self.is_model_declared = True # Store the time to build the optimization model instance self.run_info['model_build_time'] = int(time.time() - time_start)' Time to declare optimization model: %.2f' % (time.time() - time_start))
# ========================================================================== # O P T I M I Z E # ==========================================================================
[docs] def optimize(self, declare_model=True, use_clustered_data=False, declare_persistent=False, persistent_solver='gurobi_persistent', solver='gurobi', time_limit=None, optimization_specs='', results_file='results.json', tee=True): """ Call the optimization routine for the EnergySystem instance. First, a new pyomo model instance is built (if 'declare_model'=True), then the model is delivered to the specified solver and finally, the optimization results are exported to a json-file. :param declare_model: Declare a new instance of the pyomo ConcreteModel (=> True: Call function 'declare_model') or use a previously declared model instance if available (=> False). |br| *Default: True* :type declare_model: bool :param use_clustered_data: Declare optimization model with original (full scale) time series (=> False) or clustered data (=> True). |br| *Default: False* :type use_clustered_data: bool :param declare_persistent: States if a persistent model instance should be formed. In this case, after model declaration a persistent solver instance is created and the declared model instance is assigned. |br| *Default: False* :type declare_persistent: bool :param persistent_solver: Name of the persistent solver to be used. Possible options are "gurobi_persistent" and "cplex_persistent". Is ignored if keyword "declare_persistent" is False. |br| *Default: 'gurobi_persistent'* :type persistent_solver: str :param solver: Name of the applied solver (make sure the solver is available on your machine and aristopy can find the path to the solver executables). |br| *Default: 'gurobi'* :type solver: str :param time_limit: Limits the total optimization time (in seconds). If the time limit is reached, the solver returns with the best currently found solution. If None is specified, solver runs until the default time limit is exceeded (solver specific) or another criteria for abortion is triggered (e.g., reached 'MIPGap'). |br| *Default: None* :type time_limit: int (>0) or None :param optimization_specs: Additional solver parameters can be set from a string. To find out more about possible solver options check the documentation of the applied solver (e.g., see `gurobi documentation <>`_) |br| E.g.: 'Threads=1 MIPGap=0.01' |br| *Default: ''* :type optimization_specs: str :param results_file: Name of the results file (required format: .json). |br| *Default: 'results.json'* :type results_file: str or None :param tee: Show solver output (on screen and/or logfile). |br| *Default: True* :type tee: bool """'Call of function "optimize"') solver, persistent_solver = solver.lower(), persistent_solver.lower() if declare_model: self.declare_model(declare_persistent=declare_persistent, persistent_solver=persistent_solver, use_clustered_data=use_clustered_data) elif not self.is_model_declared: raise ValueError('The optimization model is not declared yet. Set ' 'the argument "declare_model" to True or call the ' 'function "declare_model" first.') time_start = time.time() # Check input arguments utils.check_optimize_input(use_clustered_data, declare_persistent, persistent_solver, self.is_data_clustered, solver, time_limit, optimization_specs) # Add basic input arguments to the 'run_info' dict self.run_info['time_limit'] = time_limit self.run_info['optimization_specs'] = optimization_specs # ********************************************************************** # Solve model # ********************************************************************** # Call a solver from the SolverFactory if the model is not persistent if not self.is_persistent_model_declared: self.run_info['solver_name'] = solver self.solver = opt.SolverFactory(solver) # Set the time limit if specified (name depends on applied solver) time_limit_param_names = { 'scip': 'limits/time', 'cbc': 'seconds', 'glpk': 'tmlim', 'gurobi': 'TimeLimit', 'gurobi_persistent': 'TimeLimit', 'cplex': 'timelimit', 'cplex_persistent': 'timelimit', 'baron': 'MaxTime'} if self.run_info['time_limit'] is not None: if self.is_persistent_model_declared: param_name = time_limit_param_names[persistent_solver] self.solver.options[param_name] = time_limit elif not self.is_persistent_model_declared and \ solver in time_limit_param_names.keys(): param_name = time_limit_param_names[solver] self.solver.options[param_name] = time_limit # Set further solver options and solve the model self.solver.set_options(optimization_specs) if not self.is_persistent_model_declared:'Solve non-persistent model using %s' % solver) solver_info = self.solver.solve(self.model, tee=tee) else:'Solve persistent model using %s' % solver) solver_info = self.solver.solve(tee=tee) # Show the solver summary on the screen # solver_info.write() # Add selected results to the 'run_info' dict self.run_info['upper_bound'] = solver_info.problem.upper_bound self.run_info['lower_bound'] = solver_info.problem.lower_bound self.run_info['sense'] = str(solver_info.problem.sense) self.run_info['solver_status'] = str(solver_info.solver.status) self.run_info['termination_condition'] = str( solver_info.solver.termination_condition) self.run_info['model_solve_time'] = int(time.time() - time_start)'Solve time: %d sec' % self.run_info['model_solve_time']) # ********************************************************************** # Export results to JSON # ********************************************************************** # Write results to a json-file with a specified name. # Delete the results_file if exception is thrown. if results_file is not None: try: with open(results_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.serialize(), indent=2)) except (ValueError or json.JSONDecodeError): self.log.error('Problem encountered while writing json-export.') if os.path.isfile(results_file): os.remove(results_file)
[docs] def export_component_configuration(self, write_to_excel=False, file_name='component_config.xlsx'): """ This function collects the configuration data of all modeled components (results of the optimization) as pandas Series and returns them in a pandas DataFrame. The configuration features are (if exist): * the binary existence variable (utils.BI_EX), * the binary existence variables of modules (utils.BI_MODULE_EX) * the component capacity variable (utils.CAP) :param write_to_excel: Specify whether the component configuration DataFrame should be stored in an Excel-file. |br| *Default: False* :type write_to_excel: bool :param file_name: Name of the exported Excel-file containing the component configuration (if flag "write_to_excel" is True). |br| *Default: 'component_config.xlsx'* :type file_name: str :returns: The configuration of all components of the model instance. :rtype: pandas DataFrame """'Call of function "export_component_configuration"') assert isinstance(write_to_excel, bool), 'input should be a boolean' assert isinstance(file_name, str), '"file_name" should be a string' for name, comp in self.components.items(): self.component_configuration[name] = \ comp.export_component_configuration() # Write configuration to Excel-file if requested: if write_to_excel: self.component_configuration.to_excel(file_name) return self.component_configuration
[docs] def import_component_configuration(self, config, fix_existence=True, fix_modules=True, fix_capacity=True, store_previous_variables=True): """ Function to load a pandas DataFrame with configuration specifications (binary existence variables and capacity variable values) and fix the configuration of the modeled components accordingly. :param config: The component configuration of the model instance (generated by function 'export_component_configuration'). :type config: pandas DataFrame :param fix_existence: Specify whether the imported (global) binary component existence variables should be fixed (if available). |br| *Default: True* :type fix_existence: bool :param fix_modules: Specify whether the imported binary existence variables of the component modules should be fixed (if available). |br| *Default: True* :type fix_modules: bool :param fix_capacity: Specify whether the imported component capacity variable should be fixed or not. |br| *Default: True* :type fix_capacity: bool :param store_previous_variables: State whether the representation of the variables before applying the configuration import should be stored in DataFrame "variables_copy" of each component. This representation can be used by function "reset_component_variables" to undo changes. |br| *Default: True* :type store_previous_variables: bool """'Call of function "import_component_configuration"') if not isinstance(config, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError('The data needs to be imported as a pd.DataFrame!') utils.check_and_set_bool(fix_existence, 'fix_existence'), utils.check_and_set_bool(fix_modules, 'fix_modules') utils.check_and_set_bool(fix_capacity, 'fix_capacity') utils.check_and_set_bool(store_previous_variables, 'store_previous_variables') for comp_name in config: if comp_name not in self.components.keys(): self.log.warn('The configuration data of component "%s" is ' 'imported but the component is not found in the ' 'EnergySystem instance.' % comp_name) else: data = config[comp_name] comp = self.components[comp_name] comp.import_component_configuration( data, fix_existence, fix_modules, fix_capacity, store_previous_variables)
[docs] def add_design_integer_cut_constraint(self, which_instances='all', include_existence=True, include_modules=True): """ Function to add an integer cut constraint to the Concrete Model of the EnergySystem instance. Hereby, the currently calculated design solution is excluded from the solution space. Hence, in a next optimization run of the same model instance a different design solution has to be determined. The integer cuts are destroyed once a new optimization model is declared. :param which_instances: State which components should be considered while formulating the integer cut constraint. The argument can either take the string 'all' or a list of component (group) names. |br| *Default: 'all'* :type which_instances: str 'all' or list of component (group) names :param include_existence: State if the binary existence variables of the components should be considered (if available) for formulating the integer cut constraint. |br| *Default: True* :type include_existence: bool :param include_modules: State if the binary modules existence variables of the components should be considered (if available) for formulating the integer cut constraint. |br| *Default: True* :type include_modules: bool """'Call of function "add_design_integer_cut_constraint"') # Check user input if which_instances != 'all' and not isinstance(which_instances, list): raise TypeError('"which_instances" takes string "all" or holds ' 'a list of component names!') utils.check_and_set_bool(include_existence, 'include_existence') utils.check_and_set_bool(include_modules, 'include_modules') # Run the 'add_integer_cut_constraint' function with the desired comps # icc_expr = 0 # init for name, comp in self.components.items(): if which_instances == 'all' or name in which_instances \ or comp.group_name in which_instances: # If existence modules binaries should be used and are available if include_modules and comp.capacity_per_module is not None: # Check if variable is constructed var_bi_mod_ex = comp.variables[utils.BI_MODULE_EX]['pyomo'] if var_bi_mod_ex is not None: # Check in every index in variable if it has a value for idx in var_bi_mod_ex: # Append variable to ICC expression if var_bi_mod_ex[idx].value is not None: if var_bi_mod_ex[idx].value < 0.5: icc_expr += var_bi_mod_ex[idx] else: icc_expr += (1 - var_bi_mod_ex[idx]) # If existence binaries should be used and are available in comp if include_existence and comp.has_bi_ex: # ---------------------------------------------------------- # *** Special case: *** # If a component has a binary existence variable and binary # module variables, you should not use both for ICC. E.g. # case: all modules do not exist (BI_MOD_EX[i]=0) and global # binary can take both values (0 and 1) but nothing changes. # ==> Use first module binary as global existence indicator if include_modules and comp.capacity_per_module is not None: continue # skip the rest und go to next item in loop elif not include_modules and comp.capacity_per_module is \ not None: var_bi_mod_ex = comp.variables[utils.BI_MODULE_EX][ 'pyomo'] if var_bi_mod_ex is not None: if var_bi_mod_ex[1].value is not None: if var_bi_mod_ex[1].value < 0.5: icc_expr += var_bi_mod_ex[1] else: icc_expr += (1 - var_bi_mod_ex[1]) continue # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Check if variable is constructed and has a value var_bi_ex = comp.variables[utils.BI_EX]['pyomo'] if var_bi_ex is not None and var_bi_ex.value is not None: # Append variable to ICC expression if var_bi_ex.value < 0.5: icc_expr += var_bi_ex else: icc_expr += (1 - var_bi_ex) # Add the expression to the model instance if self.is_model_declared: if self.is_persistent_model_declared: # add constraint to persistent solver self.solver.add_constraint( self.model.integer_cut_constraints.add(icc_expr >= 1)) else: # conventional model self.model.integer_cut_constraints.add(icc_expr >= 1) else: raise ValueError('Integer cut constraints can only be applied if a ' 'model has already been constructed and the ' 'results are available!')
[docs] def relax_integrality(self, which_instances='all', include_existence=True, include_modules=True, include_time_dependent=True, store_previous_variables=True): """ Function to relax the integrality of the binary variables of the modelled components. This means binary variables are declared to be 'NonNegativeReals with an upper bound of 1. The relaxation can be performed for the binary existence variable, the module existence binary variables and time-dependent binary variables. :param which_instances: State for which components the relaxation of the binary variables should be done. The keyword argument can either take the string 'all' or a list of component (group) names. |br| *Default: 'all'* :type which_instances: str 'all' or list of component (group) names :param include_existence: State whether the integrality of the binary existence variables should be relaxed (if available). |br| *Default: True* :type include_existence: bool :param include_modules: State whether the integrality of the binary modules existence variables should be relaxed (if available). |br| *Default: True* :type include_modules: bool :param include_time_dependent: State whether the integrality of the time-dependent binary variables should be relaxed. (if available). |br| *Default: True* :type include_time_dependent: bool :param store_previous_variables: State whether the representation of the variables before applying the relaxation should be stored in the DataFrame "variables_copy" of each component. This representation can be used by function "reset_component_variables" to undo changes. |br| *Default: True* :type store_previous_variables: bool """'Call of function "relax_integrality"') # Check user input if which_instances != 'all' and not isinstance(which_instances, list): raise TypeError('"which_instances" takes string "all" or holds ' 'a list of component names!') utils.check_and_set_bool(include_existence, 'include_existence') utils.check_and_set_bool(include_modules, 'include_modules') utils.check_and_set_bool(include_time_dependent, 'include_time_dependent') utils.check_and_set_bool(store_previous_variables, 'store_previous_variables') # Run the 'relax_integrality' function in the desired components for name, comp in self.components.items(): if which_instances == 'all' or name in which_instances \ or comp.group_name in which_instances: comp.relax_integrality(include_existence, include_modules, include_time_dependent, store_previous_variables)
[docs] def edit_component_variables(self, name, which_instances='all', store_previous_variables=True, **kwargs): """ Method for manipulating the specifications of already defined component variables (e.g., change variable domain, add variable bounds, etc.). :param name: Name / identifier of the edited variable. :type name: str :param which_instances: State for which components the relaxation of the binary variables should be done. The keyword argument can either take the string 'all' or a list of component (group) names. |br| *Default: 'all'* :type which_instances: str 'all' or list of component (group) names :param store_previous_variables: State whether the representation of the variables before applying the relaxation should be stored in the DataFrame "variables_copy" of each component. This representation can be used by function "reset_component_variables" to undo changes. |br| *Default: True* :type store_previous_variables: bool :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for editing. Options are: 'ub' and 'lb' to add an upper or lower variable bound, 'domain' to set the variable domain, and 'has_time_set' to define if the variable should inherit the global time set of the EnergySystem. """'Call of function "edit_component_variables"') # Run the function in the desired components for comp in self.components.values(): if which_instances == 'all' or in which_instances \ or comp.group_name in which_instances: comp.edit_variable(name, store_previous_variables, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset_component_variables(self, which_instances='all'): """ Function to reset the variables of the modeled components to their state that is stored in the component DataFrame "variables_copy". This includes the resetting of the DataFrame "variables" and the pyomo variables itself (if constructed). :param which_instances: State for which components the variable resetting should be done. The keyword argument can either take the string 'all' or a list of component (group) names. |br| *Default: 'all'* :type which_instances: str 'all' or list of component (group) names """'Call of function "reset_component_variables"') # Check user input if which_instances != 'all' and not isinstance(which_instances, list): raise TypeError('The "which_instances" keyword can either take the ' 'string "all" or a list of component names!') # Run the 'reset_variables' function in the desired components for name, comp in self.components.items(): if which_instances == 'all' or name in which_instances \ or comp.group_name in which_instances: comp.reset_variables()
# ========================================================================== # Serialize the content of the class instance and its components # ==========================================================================
[docs] def serialize(self): """ This method collects all relevant input data and optimization results from the EnergySystem instance, the added components and the pyomo model instance. The data is arranged in an ordered dictionary, that is later exported as a file in JSON-format. :return: OrderedDict """ def get_arc_variable_values(): arc_data = {} for arc_name, connection in self.component_connections.items(): # Get the pyomo block for the expanded arc arc_block = getattr(self.model, arc_name + '_expanded') # Get connected component class instances and the commodity name src, dest, commod = connection[0], connection[1], connection[2] # We can only get the commodity variable values from the arc # block directly, if the variables are split (not for direct # connection of single outlet with single inlet). if hasattr(arc_block, commod): arc_var = str(getattr(arc_block, commod).get_values()) else: # Else: Block only holds one equality constraint (IN == OUT) # --> Directly use the values of the outlet port variable of # the source or the inlet port variable of the destination. source_var = src.outlet_commod_and_var_names[commod] arc_var = str(getattr(src.block, source_var).get_values()) arc_data[arc_name] = arc_var return arc_data def get_added_obj_values(): obj_values = {} for key, val in self.added_obj_contributions_results.items(): obj_values[key] = pyo.value(val, exception=False) return obj_values def get_added_variable_values(): var_dict = {} for var in self.added_variables.loc['pyomo']: var_dict[var.local_name] = str(var.get_values()) return var_dict components = {} for name, comp in self.components.items(): components[name] = comp.serialize() return OrderedDict([ ('model_class', self.__class__.__name__), ('number_of_time_steps', self.number_of_time_steps), ('hours_per_time_step', self.hours_per_time_step), ('is_data_clustered', self.is_data_clustered), ('number_of_time_steps_per_period', self.number_of_time_steps_per_period), ('number_of_typical_periods', len(self.typical_periods)), ('total_number_of_periods', len(self.periods)), ('periods_order', str(list(self.periods_order))), ('period_occurrences', str(self.period_occurrences)), ('present value factor', self.pvf), ('components', components), ('arc_variables', get_arc_variable_values()), ('added_variables', get_added_variable_values()), ('added_objective_function_contributions', get_added_obj_values()), ('run_info', self.run_info) ])
if __name__ == '__main__': es = EnergySystem()